City of Bradenton issued the following announcement.
The City of Bradenton is submitting applications for funding through the Rebuild Florida Critical Facility Hardening Program for the following projects, and will be accepting citizen comments regarding the proposed projects from August 28, 2020 through September 11, 2020. Comments will be received by the following methods:
By Phone: Please contact Kim Clayback, Infrastructure Engineer, Public Works and Utilities at 941-708-6300
By Email: Please send emails to Kim Clayback, Infrastructure Engineer, at
By Regular mail: City of Bradenton, Public Works and Utilities, 1411 9th St. W., Bradenton, FL 34205, Attn.: Kim Clayback, Infrastructure Engineer, Public Works and Utilities
On September 14, 2020, the applications for funding will be submitted to the Rebuild Florida Mitigation Team in the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.
Rebuild Florida GIP proposed activities and funding amounts:
City of Bradenton GIP1- Eastside Drainage Improvements from 8th Avenue East to 13th Avenue East at 12th Street East
Requested: $1,850,000
The purpose of this project is to direct stormwater runoff away from the 10th Ave E pond between 14th St E and 15th St E.
The 10th Ave E pond overflows if greater than 3-inches of rain falls within a 24-hour period and has staged to greater than 18-inches above the roadway centerline elevation with peak storm events. Space and capacity to handle the stormwater runoff currently directed to the pond is not available.
Improvements included in this project will direct runoff from the intersection of 13th Ave E and 13th St E north to a swale on southwest side of 9th Ave E and 13th St E, then connecting to 12th St E and heading north to another proposed swale on the southeast corner of 8th Ave E and 12th St E then to a pond on 8th Ave E in the City property that is a low-lying area at the 1100 block. Maintaining access to the 22 homes and reducing repetitive loss, is essential for quality of life for the homeowners; a benefit to the City is providing stormwater treatment for runoff as the flow goes to the Manatee River. The improvements proposed in the project will reduce the runoff to the 10th Ave E pond by approximately 50% and not create any adverse impacts on 8th Ave E.
City of Bradenton GIP2- Southern Parkway Drainage Improvements
Requested: $1,500,000
The purpose of this project is to replace and improve the drainage system on Southern Parkway that flows to Cedar Hammock Canal. A portion of the system is 48-inch corrugated metal pipe (CMP) system was installed in the mid-1960’s and has exhausted its useful life as exhibited by the multiple pipe failures in the previous five years. The remaining part of the system is significantly undersized with primarily 12-inch pipe.
The system collects flow from ±28 acres and sees in excess of 210 cfs of flow during peak storm events. Approximately 1,200 linear feet of the failing pipe is in front of Prine Elementary School. In a 25YR-24HR design storm event, portions of the roadway hold in excess of 1-foot of stormwater runoff, making the road impassable for residents, emergency vehicles, and maintenance vehicles until the water recedes. Additionally, the annual average daily traffic (AADT) as reported by FDOT is 4400 vehicles per day.
Maintaining this roadway is critical for student safety, vehicle safety, and traffic management. The City is proposing to replace the existing failing 48-inch CMP, add additional inlets/pipe and upsize existing piping to accommodate the runoff that is currently held in the roadway.
City of Bradenton GIP3- 9th Ave E from 27th St E to Oak St Drainage Improvements
Requested: $960,000
The purpose of this project is to replace and improve the drainage system along 9th Ave E to provide capacity for planned upstream improvements to the drainage system to reduce the existing “ponding” found along 9th Ave E, adjacent roadways, and residential structures.
The system collects flow from ±65 acres and sees approximately 200 cfs of flow during peak storm events. Over 1,100 linear feet of roadway holds over 1-foot of stormwater runoff, cresting the curb, making the road impassable for residents, emergency vehicles, and maintenance vehicles until the water recedes for the +50 households using 9th Ave to reach home.
Maintaining this roadway is critical for resident safety, vehicle safety, and traffic management. Additionally, due to the proximity of the project area to the Braden River, environmental benefits including reduction of nitrogen and sediments into the river will be achieved through system improvements. The City is proposing to replace the existing undersized piping, add additional inlets/piping, and fill existing sidewalk gaps for safer pedestrian conditions.
City of Bradenton GIP4- Crescent Court at 24th St NE Drainage Improvements
Requested: $1,030,000
The purpose of this project is to alleviate “ponding” along Crescent Court, 24th St NE, Vermont Ave E, and Chauncey Ave.
Approximately 40 homes and 1500 linear feet of roadway are impacted by excess stormwater runoff accumulating on the above mentioned streets during moderate to peak storm events. Runoff stages to approximately 8-inches, cresting the curb, and making the roadway impassable for residents, emergency vehicles, and maintenance vehicles during peak storm events.
The proposed project will add stormwater infrastructure throughout the River Haven subdivision area and provide modified underground temporary storage for runoff during peak events to remove stormwater runoff from the roadways and provide access to the resident’s homes.
City of Bradenton GIP5- WRF Flow Equalization Improvements
Requested: $12,500,000
This project will provide increased community resilience to future disasters by allowing an alternative approach to addressing rainwater inflow that causes sanitary sewer overflows and un-authorized discharges to surface waters within the wastewater system. The City has one (1) sewage treatment facility (Water Reclamation Facility, WRF) and 64 sewage/wastewater lift stations servicing 58,500 people and local businesses. The WRF receives the incoming wastewater from four (4) existing master lift stations directly into its first treatment unit. The WRF Flow Equalization Improvements will install an alternative to allow a portion of the incoming high flows to be re-directed to a holding structure temporarily. This re-directed flow would be re-introduced to the headworks structure when adequate capacity within the treatment process becomes available. This alternative will minimize collection system sanitary sewer overflows, reduce the occasions for non-compliant surface water discharges, and increase the resiliency of the human and natural communities in weathering future disasters.
Project components include multiple-compartment holding structure, piping system, pumping systems, monitoring and control systems, emergency power, security measures and appurtenances. No property acquisition is required.
Non-discrimination statement: The City of Bradenton prohibits discrimination in all of its services, programs, or activities on the basis of race, color, age, disability, sex, national origin, religion, genetic information or marital status. Persons with a disability needing a reasonable accommodation to participate in, or who require assistance or an alternative means for communication of program information such as Braille, large print, etc., should contact:
City of Bradenton
ADA/Title VI Coordinator
101 Old Main Street
Bradenton, FL 34205
TTY: 7 - 1 – 1 or 1-800-955-8771
Original source can be found here.